Heritage Breeds-Heirloom Seeds Network Members
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Disclaimer: While we do have certain criteria a farmer must meet before being listed in our network, we simply cannot personally visit each farm due to our vast geographical spacing. It is the buyer's responsibility to make an informed purchase. We encourage the buyer to ask questions about the animals or seeds in which you're interested in purchasing from a networker. A responsible breeder and ethical seller will happily and patiently answer your questions, and may have questions for you to answer, as well. You should request a visual of the animal you're interested in, either via in-person inspection, pictures or video. Each farmer in our network is free to transact business in the manner he/she sees fit. The HB-HS Network only excludes farmers who have demonstrated upon investigation from the BOD inhumane husbandry, dishonest sales or other unethical transactions. The buyer ultimately assumes all risks as with any other purchase outside of our network.
Many people who work with rare breeds of livestock are strictly biosecure; some have closed facilities, others offer limited visitation opportunities. This is an effort to guarantee the well-being of their animals. We ask that you respect their biosecurity efforts; however, if the seller maintains a closed farm, he/she should allow you to make your final purchasing decision upon personal inspection of the animal offsite.
If you have a complaint about a farmer within our network, we ask that you bring your grievance before the Board of Directors (BOD) in order for us to investigate the matter. There must be clear and precise evidence of unethical husbandry or transactions shown by the seller to result in removal from our association; however, if wrong-doing is established, the farmer will be removed from our endorsement. Protocol must be followed in these matters. Any negative public comments, attacks on character, etc. against the farmer in question will discredit the buyer's case with the BOD.
States have different governing laws pertaining to the purchase and transport of animals and seeds interstate. It is the responsibility of the buyer to familiarize himself with his state laws BEFORE making a purchase. These links concerning the importation regulations by state are provided for your convenience. If you live outside of our network area of Central Appalachia, please check with your state's laws. Intrastate transporting has separate regulations and may be more lax than interstate importation. Please check with your state veterinarian for clarification.