Who Can List With The HB-HS Network?
Farmers within Central Appalachia (eastern KY, western NC, southern PA, southern OH, eastern TN, western VA, and all of WV) who are using nonGMO seed and/or are raising any livestock or poultry breeds listed on The Livestock Conservancy's priority lists, may use the appropriate application form below to send their contact info for further information. Becoming a member of our network requires you to abide by our expectations, and entitles you to free advertising for your farm, support/assistance from our alliance of members, and opportunities for selling, swapping, or bartering livestock and/or seed.
I came to all the realizations about sustainability and biodiversity because I fell in love with the way food tastes. That was it. And because I was looking for that taste I fell at the doorsteps of the organic, local, sustainable farmers, dairy people and fisherman. ~Alice Waters